Is there color in black and white?-Focusing on pencil drawings and paintings In the 1560s, high quality graphite was discovered in the Borrodale mines in North Camperland, England. The pencil was cut into long, thin strip...
The Distance Between the Work and the Artist's Heart: On the Appeal of Drawings The words used to describe art are enormous and the boundaries of definition are unclear. Drawing and its surrounding words may be a particularl...
Exhibition: Hiroki Takeda "Ideal Life - Illusion of Symbiosis 9s Gallery is pleased to present Hiroki Takeda's solo exhibition "Ideal Life - Illusion of Symbiosis" from Saturday, 7/27/2024 to Sunday, 8/4/2024. Hiroki Takeda's work is based on the ideal of symbiosis between life and ...
[REPORT] "Urgent Quest: The Breath of the Flower Dragon" Exhibition, a Collaboration of Hiroki Takeda and Monster Hunter 20th Anniversary 9s Gallery held Hiroki Takeda's solo exhibition "Urgent Quest: Breath of Flower Dragon" from 3/30/2024 (Sat) to 4/7/2024 (Sun). This project is a giant in the majestic nature...
INTERVIEW] Through Beautiful Women's Paintings, Mantis' Works Depict the Life Force of Human Beings: Mantis' Tantoko A woman with her lips pulled back in a knot, holding a banana like a pistol. The simple colors of yellow, black, and white accentuate the strength of the work. banana" (2024) "Banana" (2024)
INTERVIEW] Thinking about Human Beings through "Dogs": Tylakurka Tylakulka paints thoughtful works about human freedom and relationships using dogs as a motif. His style of drawing unique colors and compositions with extended brush strokes has gained popularity, and he was awarded the 100 10 2023/...