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Hikaru Ando



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Hikaru Ando(安藤光)


After graduating from college, he suddenly recalled the strings of letters he had written in his notebooks as a child and the detailed drawings he had made as a teenager, and suddenly began creating and working with pen drawings in 2009. Through continuous drawing of detailed figures with ballpoint...
After graduating from college, he suddenly recalled the strings of letters he had written in his notebooks as a child and the detailed drawings he had made as a teenager, and suddenly began creating and working with pen drawings in 2009. Through continuous drawing of detailed figures with ballpoint and fountain pens, the artist realized that shading appears unintentionally due to the nature of the environment and drawing materials, and this led him to his current style. The act of drawing lines by hand is the artist's intention, but after repeating it for an enormous amount of time, he believes that he will eventually reach a realm outside of his consciousness (a state where the inevitable is infinitely rare), and draws a mixture of irregularities and regularities that are elements of the complex natural formations that surround us.

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1986 Born and currently lives in Fukushima City, Fukushima Prefecture 2006 Graduated from Senshu University Hokkaido Junior College, Department of Agricultural Science 2008 Graduated from Ishinomaki Senshu University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Basic Science 2009 Started drawin...
1986 Born and currently lives in Fukushima City, Fukushima Prefecture 2006 Graduated from Senshu University Hokkaido Junior College, Department of Agricultural Science 2008 Graduated from Ishinomaki Senshu University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Basic Science 2009 Started drawing pen drawings

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2011 第2回ドローイングとは何か 入選
2013 第1回美の起原展 銀賞
2013 トーキョーワンダーシード2013 入選
2015 美術新人賞デビュー2015 入選
2017 2017美の起原展 奨励賞
2019 大細密展2019 優秀賞
2021 第1回関西アートコンペ 優秀賞
2022 第2回関西アートコンペ 奨励賞

Group Exhibitions

2010 【新しい】カオス*ラウンジ【自然】(高橋コレクション日比谷/東京)
2012 大細密展2012(The Art complex Center of Tokyo/東京)
2015 walk the line -線に生きる、20代の作家たち-(ギャルリー志門/東京)
2019 武蔵野アール・ブリュット2019(武蔵野市立吉祥寺美術館/東京)
2020 100人10(横山町ログズビル/東京)
2021 二人展 hikaru ando x woga exhibition (The Art complex Center of Tokyo/東京)
2023 いい芽ふくら芽in TOKYO2023 (大丸東京店/東京)
2024 いい芽ふくら芽in TOKYO2024 (松坂屋上野店/東京)

Solo Exhibitions

2012 「ドローイング細密画展」(アートギャラリー絵の具箱/東京)
2013 「ドローイング細密画展」(アートギャラリー絵の具箱/東京)
2014 「無題」(美の起原/東京)
2014 「ドローイング細密画展」(アートギャラリー絵の具箱/東京)
2015 「ドローイング細密画展」(アートギャラリー絵の具箱/東京)
2016 「ドローイング細密画展」(アートギャラリー絵の具箱/東京)
2017 「ドローイング細密画展」(アートギャラリー絵の具箱/東京)
2018 「ドローイング細密画展」(アートギャラリー絵の具箱/東京)
2019 「ドローイング細密画展」(アートギャラリー絵の具箱/東京)
2020 「ドローイング細密画展」(アートギャラリー絵の具箱/東京)
2021 「ドローイング細密画展」(アートギャラリー絵の具箱/東京)
2021 「-抽象細密画の世界-」(Breeze Bronze Home/東京)
2022 「-未分化のかたち-」(Breeze Bronze Home/東京)
2023 「ドローイング細密画展」(アートギャラリー絵の具箱/東京)

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