Today’s Must-Know American Talents on TRiCERA What comes to your mind when you think of American art or American artists? August is an American artist appreciation month, it's the perfect time ...
Exhibition: 蟷螂子「KAIJU-目醒め-」 9s Gallery is pleased to present "KAIJU - Awakening", a solo exhibition by Mantisuko from February 14 (Fri) to February 22 (Sat), 2025. Mantis in tokyo #12 "Reconstruction of Beauty Paintings"...
Karin Hosono Solo Exhibition - arakawa - Overflowing 9s Gallery is pleased to announce the solo exhibition of Karin Hosono, titled “Karin Hosono Solo Exhibition - arakawa - Overflowing”, which will be held from September 21 (Sat.) to September 29 (Sun.), 2024.
【Exhibition】BLOSSOM - tomo solo exhibition 9s Gallery is pleased to present "BLOSSOM tomo solo exhibition" from 2024/6/15 (Sat) to 2024/6/23 (Sun). In this exhibition, Tomo will be showing his popular series "ICHIRIN SERI...
INTERVIEW] Thinking about Human Beings through "Dogs": Tylakurka Tylakulka paints thoughtful works about human freedom and relationships using dogs as a motif. His style of drawing unique colors and compositions with extended brush strokes has gained popularity, and he was awarded the 100 10 2023/...