How to choose art to decorate your shop [Restaurant x Red] In this article, "I want to decorate my restaurant with pictures, but I don't know how to choose..."
Injury time first half Coming 2023 Additional time first half There are only a few years left for the coming 20232022 years. Dear art lovers, why don't you start living with art in 2023? 1 work in 2022...
Exhibition: 蟷螂子「KAIJU-目醒め-」 9s Gallery is pleased to present "KAIJU - Awakening", a solo exhibition by Mantisuko from February 14 (Fri) to February 22 (Sat), 2025. Mantis in tokyo #12 "Reconstruction of Beauty Paintings"...
INTERVIEW] Through Beautiful Women's Paintings, Mantis' Works Depict the Life Force of Human Beings: Mantis' Tantoko A woman with her lips pulled back in a knot, holding a banana like a pistol. The simple colors of yellow, black, and white accentuate the strength of the work. banana" (2024) "Banana" (2024)
INTERVIEW] Through Stuffed Toys, a Mixed Reality of Disgust and Cuteness: Hidehiko Iijima A stuffed rabbit with only its face painted black. The soft stuffed rabbit is surrounded by hard tree branches and straight concrete blocks, creating a fresh and...
INTERVIEW] Thinking about Human Beings through "Dogs": Tylakurka Tylakulka paints thoughtful works about human freedom and relationships using dogs as a motif. His style of drawing unique colors and compositions with extended brush strokes has gained popularity, and he was awarded the 100 10 2023/...