Title 【LOVE and PEACE】 Size: F40 (1000×803mm) Technique: Acrylics, Oilpastels,Oilstick,Posca This is an impact message artwork comparing Michelangelo's "The Creation of Adam" to the #"heart and brain". This artwork is a message to people living in the modern world, defining "what true freedom is". Since each person has a different way of thinking and values, we dare not give an absolute answer to this question. This is because by showing it, "freedom" would be lost, and the meaning of this work would also be lost. Chika Sinoda's unique message art provides an opportunity for viewers to reaffirm their own repressed feelings and values and to liberate them through works created from her own unique perspective. What does art mean to Chika? Art is an outlet for emotional release and a tool for self-understanding. She aims to create a strong impact on the viewer through her unique method of expression using vivid colors, resin, clay, and collage. By incorporating unusual elements, he also blurs the boundary between reality and illusion, presenting a new perspective. What is impact art? A new genre unique to contemporary artist Chika Shinoda, who creates works with intense colors that are unforgettable once seen, and compositions and techniques that defy common sense ✡.