Exhibition: 蟷螂子「KAIJU-目醒め-」 9s Gallery is pleased to present "KAIJU - Awakening", a solo exhibition by Mantisuko from February 14 (Fri) to February 22 (Sat), 2025. Mantis in tokyo #12 "Reconstruction of Beauty Paintings"...
INTERVIEW] What Can We Do to Prevent Helping Hands from Becoming "Self-Sacrifice"? : Tyla Kulka Solo Exhibition "Ruten 9s Gallery is pleased to announce the exhibition "Ruten" by Tylakulka from Friday, 11/15/2024 to Sunday, 11/24/2024. In this interview, we will talk about the exhibition work "Fire" and its...
Exhibition: Hiroki Takeda "Ideal Life - Illusion of Symbiosis 9s Gallery is pleased to present Hiroki Takeda's solo exhibition "Ideal Life - Illusion of Symbiosis" from Saturday, 7/27/2024 to Sunday, 8/4/2024. Hiroki Takeda's work is based on the ideal of symbiosis between life and ...
INTERVIEW] Through Beautiful Women's Paintings, Mantis' Works Depict the Life Force of Human Beings: Mantis' Tantoko A woman with her lips pulled back in a knot, holding a banana like a pistol. The simple colors of yellow, black, and white accentuate the strength of the work. banana" (2024) "Banana" (2024)