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A collection of contemporary artworks perfect for a minimalist room.


The term "minimalist" is a word that we see thrown around a lot.
Some people may have the image of a person who lives in a room with a few things, but may wonder what kind of person he or she actually is.

A minimalist is a person who leads a simple, lean life with the bare minimum of necessities.
The book "The French Only Have 10 Pieces of Clothing" became a hot topic for a while, and this time we would like to explain what a minimalist is and introduce some art works that are perfect for minimalists.

What is a minimalist?

(1) All things are stored in a certain place.

For example, they have a fixed number of wardrobe items (clothes, decorations, etc.) in a specific place.
Some people make it a rule to "buy one piece of clothing and give one piece away.
Others do not leave their cooking utensils out. Minimalists are in the habit of only cooking when they are done, and putting them away and back in their original place as soon as they are done.

(2) Creating diverse uses for a single space.

For example, even in a small one-room apartment, a desk is used as a workroom during the day.
At night, a futon is laid out for sleeping.
In Japanese houses, the living room, dining room, and study room have always been in the same room as a matter of course, but with the spread of Western-style layouts, the number of rooms and the number of pieces of furniture left in them has increased.
Let's take a fresh look at that "norm" and consider the various ways of using a single space.
Then, unnecessary things will naturally become apparent.

Column: Synonym of Minimalist

The opposite of minimalist is the term "maximalist. A maximalist is a person who owns a lot of things, such as hobbies, and includes people who cannot get rid of things and have a house full of stuff.
People have different ways of feeling happiness, so there is no good or bad either way. Some people are happy to have a clean room, while others are happy to live surrounded by their collections.

Advantages of being a minimalist

(1) Saving money.

Minimalists buy only what they need. They buy only what they really need, when they think they need it, and for as long as they need it. Since they have only the minimum necessary items in their rooms, they take good care of things so that they can be used for a long time. This reduces the frequency of replacement purchases and saves money, which is a financial benefit.
For example, it is possible to save more money when you waste less money, and when you have less stuff, you can reduce your living expenses as a result. When money is saved, it can be put into savings and personal investment, which will increase the fulfillment of your life.

(2) Less time to choose and more time to focus.

By having only the things you need, you can avoid wasting time on "What should I choose..." when choosing clothes and other personal belongings for your outings.
You will be able to focus your concentration and attention only on what is really important, and your work and hobbies will become much more fulfilling.

(iii) Room cleaning becomes easier.

The time it takes to clean a room is determined by the size, number and shape of the furniture on the floor.
By reducing furniture as much as possible, the floor will feel larger and cleaning will become much easier.

4) You will have more room in your mind and be able to enjoy the extra space.

The more space in the room, the more room you will have in your mind.
You will be able to enjoy the small phenomena caused by seasonal changes, and notice the changing hues of leaves and the budding of flowers.
Also, we can expect to have more room to enjoy the empty space of a room by redecorating it, and to enjoy the blank space itself as a beautiful thing.

(5) Less stress from relationships

Minimalists are not minimalists only when it comes to their possessions.
In terms of relationships, it is recommended that you spend your time concentrating only on the people who are truly important to you.

Disadvantages of being a minimalist

(1) Convenience of life may be compromised.

Home appliances and various home items were developed to enhance the convenience of our lives.
By giving them up, your life will be different from what it used to be, and you may find it inconvenient at first.

For example, you may have to lay out and fold a futon every morning and every evening after getting rid of your bed and replacing it with a futon, thereby diversifying the use of your room.
At first, you may feel as if you have to do more hard work than you are used to.
However, as time goes by, you will realize that you are doing this for your own sake, and you will begin to feel joy in living itself. In fact, laboring for one's own survival is enjoyable.
To begin with, by possessing only a carefully selected and limited number of clothes and other items, you will have less to wash, etc.
It is a common occurrence in the minimalist lifestyle that disadvantages are somehow transformed into advantages.

(2) There is a sense of regret when discarding items.

Things you bought in the past because you thought they looked useful. A book that you liked in the past but haven't opened in 10 years. Items that are mementos from my childhood, but honestly are taking up space in my room.
These are not things that can be easily discarded.

You may not need them at this moment, but you may need them again someday.
They are filled with memories, so you want to keep them even though they have no practical use. These thoughts may also come to mind.

For these items, please take your time and imagine whether you need them or not in your life.
Try to imagine that you have lost that item for the past three days.
If you still need the item or feel sad without it, keep it.
You don't have to go through the process of decluttering to become a minimalist all at once. If something is irreplaceable, you can take your time and worry about it that much more.

(iii) You may get into trouble with your roommate.

If you are living with another person, such as a family member, live-in partner, or roommate, the other person may get in trouble if you throw away shared items. This is the worst case scenario.
To avoid this, discuss this with the person you are sharing the room with well in advance.
Let them know that you are aiming for a minimalist lifestyle, that you will only reduce the number of things you own that you do not need for this purpose, and that you will check carefully each time if something is not only yours but also involves the other person and decide whether you will give it up or not.
If you follow the above rules, you will be prepared to live the fresh and minimalist life you want to spend, as long as your partner is understanding.

Stylish Artwork for Minimalists

What to look for when choosing artwork as a minimalist

Minimalists only have what they need.
When it comes to artwork, choose only one piece that truly moves you and fits your simple room.
When it comes to artwork, having a lot of this and a lot of that is similar to having a closet full of clothes.
It is important to concentrate your love and attention on only one work of art that is truly valuable to you.

Nature 236 by Muriel Napoli
W 100.00cm x H 100.00cm|499,700Yen

Black & White. by ValeriX
W 60.00cm x H 40.00cm|¥21,400

Fall in Love by Vera Hoi
W 100.00cm x H 100.00cm|¥188,800

Under the Boardwalk by Julee Latimer
W 61.00cm x H 122.00cm / ¥283,100

Daydream by Bruna Marques
W 60.00cm x H 40.00cm / ¥80,900

Simple Artworks for Minimalists (Abstract Paintings)

Simple abstract paintings grow best in a minimalist room.
You will be able to enjoy the power and meditative appeal of simple paintings in a space that looks like a sophisticated museum.

c by Yang, Woon-Chul
W 45.50cm x H 53.00cm / 256,200Yen

White by Tomo Sakurai
W 72.70cm x H 91.00cm|600,000Yen

Moon D40.
W 40.00cm x H 40.00cm / ¥99,900

Sky Blue by Nataliia Sydorova
W 100.00cm x H 120.00cm / ¥296,600

Languages of love by Flavia Birsan
W 100.00cm x H 70.00cm / 176,600Yen

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