The color white is a symbol of purity, cleanliness, and victory, and will evoke various meanings in contrast to black.
And it is not only such meanings that contemporary artists assign to the color white. Each artist may have his or her own variation in terms of the range of hue, saturation, and lightness that he or she considers "white" within the infinite gradation of colors.
The works presented in this exhibition are all based on white or light gray, but all of them have reached a level of expression unique to a particular medium, such as oil, acrylic, or photography. When hung on a wall, these works will be more in harmony with the color of the wall in your room. An oil painting in subtle grays will instantly transform a room into a light-filled cathedral. Or place a black-and-white photograph of a winter scene in Central Park beside it, and the rich tones hidden in the shabbiness will soothe your soul.
The works achieve their appealing effects by focusing on a few elements, and are sure to further strengthen your aesthetic senses.

by Zakhar Shevchuk / Ukraine
W 120.00cm x H 50.00cm x D 2.00cm
Painting (Oil)
JPY 264,500 + tax (290,950 JPY including tax )
The vividness of the body covered under the delicate gray will gradually become visible over time.

by Hiromitsu Fujiki / Japan
W 23.00cm x H 30.00cm x D 0.50cm
JPY ¥16,000 + tax (¥17,600 including tax )
The drawings are gentle as if trembling, but at the same time, the brush strokes remain intact, showing a solid eye for observation.

by Murray Bolesta / USA
W 76.20cm x H 60.90cm x D 0.20cm
JPY 184,000 + tax (JPY 202,400 including tax)
A winter scene of Central Park, where you can almost hear the sound of stepping on snow.

by Muriel Napoli / France
W 100.00cm x H 100.00cm x D 4.00cm
Painting (acrylic)
JPY 294,000 + tax (323,400 JPY including tax )
The artist says, "I want to eliminate artificial elements as much as possible," and his paintings are also based on coincidence.

by Vincent Salvati / USA
W 100.00cm x H 100.00cm x D 4.00cm
JPY 22,400 + tax (24,640 including tax )
The figures, traced tactilely with oil pastels and fingers, are completed when they "echo" with the artist's eyes.

by Lana Vereshchagina / Russian Federation
W 60.00cm x H 77.00cm x D 2.50cm
Painting (acrylic)
JPY ¥222,100 + tax (¥244,310 incl. tax )
An attempt to depict the delicate light of the city using only matiere in a completely white monochromatic color.