Injury time first half Coming 2023 Additional time first half There are only a few years left for the coming 20232022 years. Dear art lovers, why don't you start living with art in 2023? 1 work in 2022...
Into the Space TRiCERA Collection Vol.02Into the Space An intimate space that envelops and subsumes everything. you fly there THE WAIT by Maria Grazia Minto Arte...
The 100 artists selected for the "100 10 2024/25" will be held in January 2025! 100 People 10" is an art competition that aims to discover and nurture the next generation of artists by selling the works of 100 selected artists for a flat 100,000 yen...
Exhibition: Tylakurka "Ruten 9s Gallery is pleased to announce the exhibition of Tylakurka "Ruten" from Thursday, 2024/11/15 to Sunday, 2024/11/24. Tylakurka 100 10 23/24 Selected Works "Mother" Tyla...
Exhibition: Hiroki Takeda "Ideal Life - Illusion of Symbiosis 9s Gallery is pleased to present Hiroki Takeda's solo exhibition "Ideal Life - Illusion of Symbiosis" from Saturday, 7/27/2024 to Sunday, 8/4/2024. Hiroki Takeda's work is based on the ideal of symbiosis between life and ...
INTERVIEW] Through Beautiful Women's Paintings, Mantis' Works Depict the Life Force of Human Beings: Mantis' Tantoko A woman with her lips pulled back in a knot, holding a banana like a pistol. The simple colors of yellow, black, and white accentuate the strength of the work. banana" (2024) "Banana" (2024)